Thursday, August 20, 2009

2 Months

Aubrey turned 2 months old yesterday! I was planning on posting this yesterday, but Aubrey had a rough afternoon after getting 4 shots at the doctor's office. I don't ever remember Luke being fussy after shots, but Aubrey was unconsolable for about 2 hours yesterday afternoon...daddy had to come home & relieve me so I wouldn't lose it :)

Other than the 4 shots, Aubrey's 2 month check up went great; she weighed 11 lbs 13 1/2 oz (75th percentile) and was 21 1/2 inches long (50th percentile).

She's working on sleeping through the night; she's slept from 10pm to 7am twice in the past week, so we're hoping this becomes more consistent in the coming weeks!

Aubrey's much more alert these days, smiling, cooing, and letting us know when she's not happy. This morning she was making all kinds of "talking" sounds, she must have had something really important to tell me!

2 month chair picture
Have you noticed all the outfits with cherries on them?
I love anything with cherries on it, so Aubrey has at least 4 cherry outfits

Luke is still doing really well with his sister, he wants to hold her all the time

Here's what a holding session typically looks like:
He's not too good at the "holding onto" part

After a few seconds, she slowly starts to slouchInstead of grabbing her, he just watches her fall
Either Aubrey or Luke get tired of the holding after a few mintues,
this time it was Aubrey
So, they're happy to just sit next to each other


MamaHen said...

I like the little cherry outfits and I love those chubby legs. So glad her appt went well, except for the shots. I always feel so bad taking mine in for shots.

Kathleen said...

so cute! i love how aubreys hand is on lukes leg in the last picture! looks like she was posing for the camera! lol :) kisses from aunt kat!

Cassie said...

Dude, she is so freaking adorable!

Kathleen said...

i have a blog! yes, im a loser but i love reading yours and mollys and all your friends, i created one myself :) :) check it out!!! i havent figured out how to upload pictures yet! :(

anna, dont laugh at me!

Lianne said...

Oh my word! They are so cute! I have a lot of those "holding" pictures, too. The baby being held always has that "hey, mom, uh, mom? HELP!" look in their eyes. Love it!

Muthering Heights said...

They are just too cute together!!

I hope she keeps sleeping like that for you!!! :)

Rachel said...

SOO cute!! Happy two month day, Aubrey!

I'm so sorry about the inconsolable afternoon - that's the worst!

Love the pics!

KBeau said...

My granddaughter has a whole set of cherry outfits. Must be a fashion trend this year.

Your daughter is a cutie.

Unknown said...

oh my goodness i love luke's little frat boy hair :) I know you didnt mean for this to happen you are probably JUST too busy to get it cut! I need to see my niece and nephew ASAP!

Lindsay said...

Too cute! We actually have those same cherry jammies for Tessa. Love them!

The Coleman's said...

I absolutly love the one where she is screaming at the top of her lungs! lol That is a picture to keep!
She has grown so much since I saw her last!